Jan 29, 2011

Happy Birthday, Bailey!

On Tuesday, Bailey will turn 20!  We sure do miss him, but know that he's where he should be and is doing the Lord's work.  Last week in church, I had to speak about how he's doing.  He told me to be sure and thank all of our ward members for all of the support they've given him over the years.  I found this video and it reminded me of that thought!  Happy birthday wishes to you, Elder Shaffer!  WE LOVE YOU!!!!

Missionary Medley (I Hope They Call Me on a Mission, I Will Be Valiant)

Jan 5, 2011


I came home from school to a wonderful surprise!  Brent had spent the day making some "organizational additions" to our closet.  He built a new shoe rack and added some great hooks for my necklaces!  I guess he got tired of having to wait for me to untangle my necklaces everytime we went somewhere.  Brent's pretty thoughtful...and me...I'm pretty lucky to have him!

Cool, huh?