Apr 7, 2012

And...The Countdown is On

Brent got an email this morning from "ldschurch.org."  When we opened it up, we discovered it was a copy of Elder Shaffer's flight plans home!  He flies out on Saturday, June 16th and heads to Morocco (that's in North Africa).  From Morocco, he flies to New York...SLEEPS THERE...and then flies home bright and early on Father's Day.  He'll land in Salt Lake at 10:25 AM!  We can't wait!

Apr 6, 2012

Happy Easter!

We love our Savior, Jesus Christ!  We know that we can ask the Savior to help us overcome our mistakes.  We know we can always call on Him to help us...no matter the time, no matter the need.  It's our daily goal to strive to become more like Him.  One of our favorite apostles, Joseph B. Wirthlin, said, "I testify to you this day that the time will come when every man, woman, and child will look into the Savior's loving eyes. On that day, we will know with a surety the worth of our decision to straightway follow Him."

It's our hope that we will all remember how Jesus lived, His great atoning sacrifice and His resurrection.  We know that He lives!  Take a look at this short video.  It helps us remember just a few of the things that Jesus Christ did for each one of us.

Click here to view an Easter message from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Apr 3, 2012

Shaffer Family Hunger Games

Grandma and Grandpa Shaffer have always gone the extra mile to make Easter celebrations especially fun for all of us.  Over the years, they've planned amazing egg hunts.  This year, they decided to have the family Easter party while Jessica and Porter were here.  Months ago they made everyone in the family a marshmallow gun and saved them for the Easter party.  After dinner, everyone went outside and quickly went to war...every man for himself...survival of the fittest...or survival of the fastest...or the youngest...or the most in shape!

Note:  On Monday morning, Brent could barely walk!  Keeping up with the nephews and nieces about did him in!

Apr 1, 2012

Fun with Pinterest

Seriously...some things are a waste of time...like Facebook and pinterest!  But, we've all discovered that Pinterest is a great place to get ideas.  Brent and I were looking for pictures of different kinds of chicken coops for him to build for our new baby chicks and we came across an idea for deviled eggs...made to look like baby chicks.  So, for the Shaffer Family Easter Party, the girls and I made a plateful to take along.  They turned out so cute!