Oct 31, 2011


I love traditions.  I love holidays.  I love celebrations.  It's been interesting to see how we've had to adapt and change traditions along the way as our family has grown.  However, one holiday, that we can't ever seem to let slip past without a bit of fun is Halloween.  Throughout the years, we've had marvelous family Halloween parties!  This year we held our 11th annual pumpkin carving party with the Shaffer Family.  We enjoyed a yummy meal together and then spent some time carving pumpkins to welcome all (16 give or take) trick-or-treaters. 

Oct 3, 2011

It's a Small, Small World!

At least, that's what I keep telling myself.  However, this past week, I've been reminded a few times that we're all closer than we think.  At about 6:30 last Thursday morning, our telephone rang.  Generally, someone calling that early in the morning is calling to tell us that the cows are out.  But, to my surprise, it was Sister Weed (Bailey's mission president's wife) calling.  She said, "This is Sister Weed from West Africa."  I got a nervous feeling and immediately wondered what was wrong.  She said not to worry...she just needed Bailey's social security number (What 20 year old doesn't remember his social security number?) so they could go the the US embassy and get some more pages added to his passport.  Talking to her made it seem like Africa was just around the corner.

Matt, our brother-in-law, works at the Church Office Building in Salt Lake.  Last week, he spotted Elder Sitati, the area seventy over the Benin Cotonou Mission and other African missions.  Elder Sitati had just visited Bailey's mission a couple of weeks ago.  Matt went up and introduced himself and visited with Elder Sitati about Bailey.  Where Bailey is serving as an assistant to the president, he had the opportunity to spend quite a bit of time with Elder Sitati, so he was able to talk to Matt a little bit about Bailey.  We were grateful Matt had taken the time to go up and speak to him.  (Plus...Matt's a suck-up...we all know it...right, Matt?)

And, last, but not least, we skyped Jess and Jordan for our traditional Conference Sunday Brunch of omelets and crepes.  It was almost like they were right here with us.  I'm so glad for technology that allows us to stay better connected.  What a blessing.